Simple Joy

I never thought the essence of joy could be so simple yet enlightening until a mid-spring morning. At the time, the world continued to be under the threat of COVID, and many people still found greater comfort outdoors.

Although I feared COVID, it unexpectedly allowed me to reduce my time working physically at a place that had become a bigger source of dread to me. For several years, I had struggled with the working environment at a mental wellness service center, despite my deep passion and commitment to its mission. I could not comprehend why a center dedicated to promoting the wellness of its clients could be so unwholesome to many of its employees. These employees, tasked with empowering their clients and helping them find their voices, were themselves often disempowered and voiceless.

That morning, during my routine walk, my heart was heavy as usual with those unresolved questions. As I walked, a baby girl in a stroller came along the sidewalk across the street from me. As we were about to pass each other, she suddenly greeted me with a big radiant smile, a sweet “Hi,” and innocent waves of her tiny hand. At that moment, my whole body was put at pristine ease, and I realized the simple joy of life—so natural, pure, uncalculated, and uplifting. It was then that I decided to leave my job at that center.


Do It for Your Good, Not Mine